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Water Drops

Exercises for week


1. Create an Ocean Altar in your sacred place. Put items that represent the Ocean and make this a permanent location (if feasible) that can anchor all the upgrades in your home from our our 6 week journey. Place a cup of water on this altar, and meditate daily with the water by your heart.
Honor the aliveness of water here.

You can make the following requests to the water:

May you teach me the secrets of water
May I open my heart to the properties of water and the ocean
May I listen / feel your messages, etc. etc. etc.

This might sound trivial to some, but opening communication to water opens the doorways to a plethora of spiritual wisdom in the alive field. Honor this sacred element, and it shall reveal!!


2. Dedicate a week to blessing water each time you drink it. Water is multi-dimensional, and by sending forth the properties/visions of your higher self to the water, you charge it and restructure it to your desire. The universe wants you to be a CREATOR. The priestess societies would use water to co-create heaven on earth. This is possible for your life with these practices and tools. Bring mindfulness to anything water related moving forward, see it as sacred.


3. Creation Journal - Make a creation journal to let your creative juices flow without refrain. Here is a 7 day journal prompt that you can perform once a day.

Day 1 - Reflect on all the things you love about yourself. Write it all!!! Choose to forgive and release anything that no longer serves you, creating space for deeper self-love. Start with - I love myself because....


Day 2 - Write about why you are worthy of receiving all that you desire. Let yourself feel into your worthiness fully. Start with - I am worthy because....


Day 3 - Receiving Affirmations. Dedicate this entry to affirming that you are open to receive in a way that feels sacred and aligned with your true self.

Examples - I recieve love, I receive abundance etc. Go deep and expand on everything you can receive.


Day 4 - Creation Entry. Journal everything you wish to create in your personal life. Let go of logic, and allow ideas to flow freely without judgment. Be honest with yourself about what you truly want.


Day 5 - Use the cup of water to embody these intentions. Place your palms on the water and contemplate all that you desire, feeling your energy merging with the water’s molecules.


Day 6 - Imagine creating with infinite power. Write down everything you would bring into existence if there were no limits. The goal is to bypass logic and let your higher self flow fully.


The creation journal doesn’t have to be just words. It can be art, singing, or whatever form of expression is needed, but we do advise working with writing in the start to encourage this medium.


5. Follow the new guidance. As Mahalia expressed, these activations can change your thinking and way of operating. Maybe you will be guided to do something rather different this week. Try your best to get out of your way and allow the nudges to move you throughout the earth.

In addition, JUMP in water, spend time in water bodies, and do what you can to be by water. The planet wants to teach you, and she is OUR GURU!

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